Blair Inc.: The man behind the mask
Francis Beckett, David Hencke, and Nick
John Blake £20
Times Bookshop £18
CLEMENT ATTLEE, who led the government that founded the NHS and
much else besides, was a modest man. I saw him once travelling
alone on the Northern Line, and when he died in 1967, Attlee left
£7295. But things are not what they used to be. When Tony Blair
travels, he takes a private aircraft, and the energetic reporters
of this account of his life after 10 Downing Street believe he has
accumulated a fortune of "at least" £60 million - not counting 30
properties belonging to him and his immediate family.
As Prime Minister, Mr Blair won three General Elections, forced
through the Irish peace process, and played an important part in
the Balkan Wars. He had hoped that his reputation would lead to his
Presidency of the European Commission in Brussels, but that plan
imploded when his supporters discovered evidence of his newly
acquisitive manner.
President George W. Bush rewarded Mr Blair's loyalty during the
Iraq War by insisting that he become special envoy of the quartet
of powers hoping to drive the peace process between Israel and the
Palestinians. During his eight years in the job, prospects for
peace had notably dimmed. In May 2015, Mr Blair announced he was
quitting the expensive office in Jerusalem and the armoured cars,
which had cost $400,000.
Mr Blair had become vulnerable by then. He appeared to use his
diplomatic authority to establish lucrative business contacts in
the Middle East. The authors suggest that this passion for new
business in nations such as Kuwait and Abu Dhabi "contaminated" his
standing as the quartet's representative. He was also accused of
having a pro-Israeli bias, and memories of the Iraq War ate away at
this authority.
His energy now goes into running a conglomerate under the
umbrella name of Tony Blair Associates (TBA). It acts as
consultants, fixers, and public-relations men for great
institutions of capitalism such as the bankers J. P. Morgan,
dictators in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan, and global companies such
as Louis Vuitton and Zurich Insurance. There are also Foundations,
the best known of which is the Blair Faith Foundation.
All these activities are conducted behind a mask of secrecy. The
authors have fun discovering TBA's strictly private address (1
Great Cumberland Place, London W1). The finances of the Blair
empire are hidden within a watertight web of partnerships and
nominee companies. Consequently, the authors rely on anonymous
contacts, second-hand evidence, and clippings to build their
Perhaps it is the absence of human contact in their painstaking
research, but their contempt admits no sympathy or generosity. In
350 pages, they find only one really good thing to say about the
whole edifice: the Faith Foundation's programme in Sierra Leone
which provides health education for imams and priests is "seriously
good charitable work".
TBA is also credited with having done useful work during the
Ebola-virus crisis. When he set it up in 2008, at much the same
time as he revealed his going over to Rome, Mr Blair said: "The
Foundation is how I want to spend the rest of my life." Promoting
collaboration between different faiths has proved a struggle,
however, not least with the Roman Catholic Church. Making millions
comes easier.
Stephen Fay is a former member of the editorial staff
of The Sunday Times.