From the Head of Research and Statistics for the
Archbishops' Council, and the Senior Strategy Officer for the
Church Commissioners
Sir, - We write in response to "Cleric says report on church
growth belies the research" (News,
17 April), which reports on the Revd Dr Mark Hart's critique of
the From Anecdote to Evidence summary report on the
findings of the research programme. Dr Hart's critique was a
selective critique of a document designed to provide a
non-technical introduction to the research findings for a wide
The report From Anecdote to Evidence makes clear that
"there is no single recipe for growth; there are no simple
solutions to decline." In presenting factors associated with
growth, it also states: "It is important to note that association
by itself does not prove or disprove anything," and "therefore a
study can only establish that there is association, not proof of
why there is an association." "Given the discovery of an
association the next step may be to do further research to test
whether, why and how these factors inter-relate." It is simply not
correct, therefore, to suggest that the summary report failed to
include any caveats.
It is also important to acknowledge that those who carried out
and produced the research were able to comment on a number of
drafts of the summary report, and agreed the final version.
Further, the researchers presented their findings at a conference
that took place in London in January 2014, since when Professor
Voas's presentation has been available online
Dr Hart notes that the factors associated with growth account
for only a small proportion of the difference between growing and
declining churches (up to 25 per cent). From Anecdote to
Evidence explicitly recognised this. Indeed, a quotation from
one of the re-searchers making this point was on the back cover of
the report.
The associations found in the report have given helpful pointers
to where further research may be fruitful, with further research to
explore these associations in more depth already under way.
In the mean time, the research provides insights to help guide
reflection at all levels of the Church, and actions based on the
best available evidence base. The key factors associated with
growth were drawn from the self-reported growth by clergy as well
as growth figures based on annual-returns data and qualitative
interviews with clergy of growing churches.
Dr Hart highlights factors where findings were drawn from the
self-reported data, or where the strength of correlation for
self-reported data is higher than that found in the annual-returns
data - though the direction of correlation is the same - and
dismisses them. In doing so, he neglects that self-reported data
(covering the period 2008-13) will be more up to date than
annual-reports data (2001-11).
Clergy have access to their service registers, and will
understand growth in their own context, which is a different
indicator to changes in average attendance. The fact that the
correlation between self-reported and annual-returns data is low
should not be used to dismiss survey findings based on a more
recent time period and a different indic-ator. Indeed, Professor
Voas highlighted findings based on the self-reported data in his
conference presentation.
When presenting the findings to dioceses, both of the important
caveats that need to be considered when interpreting the research
and the need for further research have been emphasised. The fact
remains, however, that the Church Growth Research programme was an
important step forward in developing the evidence base relating to
numerical growth.
The idea that From Anecdote to Evidence forms the
complete evidence basis for decision-making among senior leaders is
unfounded. The Archbishops' Council regularly receives updates on
demographic, financial, and attendance data. Reform and
Renewal builds upon years of evidence-gathering and listening
to dioceses, of which the church-growth research programme is one
important part.
Bev Botting, Kevin Norris
Church House, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3AZ