A Reader in our parish for two years is to be
"fast-tracked" to ordination and be the curate this year, not
having been to a Bishops' Advisory Panel. The churchwardens have
not been consulted about character or suitability. Can this legally
be done? Can any appeal be made, and to whom, as our Bishops are
not listening?
If, as this question suggests, a real concern about the suitable
character and capability of the ordinand is so widespread among
members of the congregation and in the opinion of the
churchwardens, there is an occasion when lawful impediments to
ordination can be alleged.
An important notice, known by the Latin title, Si Quis, is
always given, that "if any person knows any just cause or
impediment for which [the ordinand] ought not to be admitted to the
Holy Office of Deacon/Priest, he is now to declare the same or to
signify the same forthwith to the Lord Bishop. . ."
This banns of ordination has to be called during public worship
in the church of the parish in which the ordinand resides, and
countersigned by the officiating minister and churchwardens.
This canonical procedure provides a legal opportunity for anyone
to disclose serious moral or other reasons of which the Bishop may
previously have been unaware, for which ordination may be withheld
until the matter is thoroughly investigated.
(Canon) Terry Palmer
Magor, Monmouthshire
Although some aspects of this situation seem to be unusual, and
although references are normally required as a part of the
selection process, the churchwardens do not have to provide these
references; neither does the bishop have to consult churchwardens
or any other church officers about whom he ordains.
A deacon or priest is ordained as a deacon or priest of the
Catholic Church, not of any one place. Whether a licence as a
curate in that or any other parish is subsequently received is a
different issue.
(The Revd) Geoffrey Squire
Barnstaple, Devon
Where can I get a copy - CD or tape or even vinyl - of
the radio play by Dorothy Sayers of the life of Christ? T.
How can I (a clergy widow, and therefore in an awkward
position to comment) encourage our Rector to conduct the only
service on a Sunday which is a eucharist with dignity? He is
unconcerned about how the altar is dressed; his cassock-alb is very
creased, and dirty, as are his shoes; but the most upsetting part
of the service, taken at a gallop, is that after he takes communion
to a disabled lady at the back of the church, he walks back to the
sanctuary, munching the remaining consecrated wafers on the
Are there any continuing branches, structures, or
offices of the former church organisations AYPA (Anglican Young
People's Association), CEMS (Church of England Men's Society), and
the William Temple Association, or are they all long gone and
forgotten? D. J. M.
Out of the Question, Church Times, 3rd floor, Invicta
House, 108-114 Golden Lane, London EC1Y 0TG.
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