The Oxford
Handbook of the British Sermon 1689-1901
Keith A. Francis and William Gibson,
OUP £95
Church Times Bookshop £85.50 (Use code
CT132 )
BEFORE the Glorious
Revolution, those who could not read listened to sermons in church,
and, if they were not Puritans, perhaps heard poetry and prose
delivered by actors at the playhouse. After the death of Queen
Victoria, the sermon competed with other forms of communication
favoured by more literate generations. In between, sermons, heard
and read, were important ingredients in most people's spiritual,
social, and intellectual formation.
This fact has been largely
ignored by all but the specialists. Keith Francis, secretary of the
American Society for Church History, and William Gibson, Professor
of Ecclesiastical History at Oxford Brookes, have recruited a
formidable group of 31 colleagues from around the world to help
them fill the gap. The result is an outstanding work of accessible
scholarship, richly annotated and elegantly printed.
Gibson gets the collection
off to a flying start with an overview of the "golden age" of
sermon culture in Britain. The 80,000 or so printed sermons of the
period represent a tiny and unrepresentative sample of a staggering
250 million "sermon events" from 1689 to 1901, events that were
fugitive, lodging only in the memories and now scarce reminiscences
of long-dead auditors. Congregations were hungry for sermons,
sometimes humming their approval or demanding another half-hour's
worth. Even poorly educated congregations, Gibson states, could
become discerning.
Although the reading of
sermons by preachers was common, opinion on the subject was sharply
divided, and, at the Restoration, Charles II tried to suppress the
practice, albeit without success. Styles of presentation ranged
widely, from the coolly restrained to the tearfully histrionic.
Figures such as Whitefield and Spurgeon could command vast crowds.
Charities benefited greatly from the sale of tickets for occasional
sermons, as those who campaigned for the abolition of slavery
Francis follows up with a
review of themes and developments, beginning with an account of the
Victorian publisher Charles E. Verrall of Brighton, who offered
preachers a comprehensive reporting, printing, and publishing
package, which would see their sermons safely and (fairly)
accurately into print. Not only charities benefited from sermon
publication: clergy and their supporters were often keen to have
sermons printed, thereby enhancing a clerical career, rather like
academics today. Spurgeon was the "master publisher"; but his
contemporaries Newman, Kingsley, Church, and Liddon were equally
well known for their collections of printed sermons.
The second part of the
Oxford Handbook focuses on "Communities, cultures and
communication", with chapters on parish preaching in the long 18th
century, and the Victorian era; preaching from the platform;
Quaker, Evangelical, and Catholic sermons; preaching in Scotland,
Ireland, and Wales (plus an account of sermons in Welsh); and,
finally, sermons preached at the anniversary meetings of the Three
Choirs, 1720-1800.
Jeffrey S. Chamberlain
records that the only drafts of 18th-century sermons to have
survived seem to be those of Bishop Berkeley, examples of whose
"skeletons" were published in 1871. Most of the clergy wrote their
sermons in the first year of their ministry, and never lifted their
pens again. The Revd Francis Stanley, for example, Rector of
Eastwick, preached his sermons every few years from 1764 to 1821,
and his manuscripts show very little alteration or emendation.
Victorian village sermons were often autocratic in tone, and it is
striking how seldom the love of God is mentioned.
The colourful Edward Irving
was one of several Victorian pin-up preachers. His words speak to
our situation today: "The chief obstacle to the progress of divine
truth over the minds of men, is the want of its being properly
presented to them."
Part III concerns occasional
sermons, ranging from preaching at Court and in Parliament to the
Victorian funeral sermon, by way of chapters on anti-Jacobite
sermons, national-thanksgiving sermons, preaching during the
American and French Revolutions, visitation sermons and charges,
consecration sermons, and 18th-century Protestant funeral
Some occasional sermons
generated much heat as well as light: the Bangorian Controversy,
sparked by Bishop Hoadly, is a famous example. Sermons marking the
anniversary of the execution of Charles I, King and Martyr, tended
to be preached on 30 January in years when British security was
under threat. Visitation sermons by bishops and archdeacons provide
useful insights into the principal concerns of the Church at a
particular time.
Funeral sermons on figures
of national importance, such as Wellington, were preached all over
the land, sometimes with surprising frankness, as when Francis
Maude of Ipswich discussed at some length the question whether the
Duke had been a Christian!
Whereas the fascinating
chapters in Part IV, "Controversies, and the development of ideas",
naturally concentrate on content rather than form, as do those in
Part V, "Missions and ideas of Empire", the literary critics who
tackle the relationship between "Sermons and literature" in Part VI
bring form and content together, resulting in the best work in the
collection. Stephen Prickett is as engaging as ever, and Kirstie
Blair and Linda Gill are skilled in their handling of quoted
extracts in chapters on the poet-preachers and the Victorian
Francis rounds the book off
with an essay on the present state of sermon studies, and possible
ways forward. He and Gibson are to be congratulated: present and
future students of the subject will turn to their handbook as the
first port of call.
Dr Michael Wheeler is a Visiting Professor at the University
of Southampton.