HOPE When It Hurts is a collection of reflections by Kristen Wetherell and Sarah Walton, subtitled Biblical reflections to help you grasp God’s purpose in your suffering. Each of the 30 written pieces is followed by questions to think about, a prayer, and a lined page for the reader’s own thoughts (The Good Book Company, £11.99 (£10.80); 978-1-78498-073-3).
Harriet and Donald Mowat guide readers through the process of getting older, and hope to instil in them a sense that it is not all about decline and negativity. The Freedom of Years: Ageing in perspective looks at what is meant by successful ageing, and the part that faith can play in that (Bible Reading Fellowship, £8.99 (£8.10); 978-0-85746-506-1).
Scott Weeman, who is a Roman Catholic, writes about his experience of addiction, and the way in which he has made links and connections between The Twelve Steps and the Sacraments. He writes of baptism, reconciliation, the eucharist, and confirmation (Ave Maria Press, £12.99 (£11.70); 978-1-59471-725-3).
For Joyce Rupp: Essential writings, in the Modern Spiritual Masters Series, Michael Leach has chosen passages from her work. The selected material is organised under four headings: home, earth, cosmos, God (Orbis Books, £17.99 (£16.20); 978-1-62698-233-8).