FURTHER to last week’s Advent round-up and notice board, the following have now been received for the coming liturgical year (starting on Advent Sunday):
Betraying its Irish origin, for Sundays (including Corpus Christi) and five holy days according to the Gospel readings in the RC lectionary (the Immaculate Conception, Epiphany, St Patrick, the Assumption, and All Saints): Gospel Reflections for Sundays of Year B (Mark), by Donal Neary SJ, keeps each reflection to a page, followed by a brief prayer, or suggestion for an act of prayer (Messenger Publications, £8.95 (£8.05); 978-1-910248-73-7). A missal or Bible is needed for the Gospels, as in, from the same publisher, Sacred Space: The prayer book 2018, by the Irish Jesuits, which makes provision for both Sundays and weekdays (£10.95 (£9.85); 978-1-910248-75-1).
Also from Messenger is another RC daily resource on the Gospel readings, omitting Sundays and the Triduum: Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You: Weekday reflections for liturgical years 2017-18, by Martin Hogan, a parish priest in Dublin, who started by putting his thoughts on social media. This is his second compilation. Each reflection is 200 to 300 words long (£12.95 (£11.65); 978-1-910248-78-2).