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Noticeboard: Year B companions

03 November 2017

FURTHER to last week’s Advent round-up and notice board, the following have now been received for the coming liturgical year (starting on Advent Sunday):

Betraying its Irish origin, for Sun­­days (including Corpus Christi) and five holy days according to the Gospel readings in the RC lection­ary (the Immaculate Con­ception, Epiphany, St Patrick, the Assump­tion, and All Saints): Gospel Reflections for Sundays of Year B (Mark), by Donal Neary SJ, keeps each reflection to a page, followed by a brief prayer, or sug­gestion for an act of prayer (Messenger Publications, £8.95 (£8.05); 978-1-910248-73-7). A missal or Bible is needed for the Gospels, as in, from the same publisher, Sacred Space: The prayer book 2018, by the Irish Jesuits, which makes provision for both Sundays and weekdays (£10.95 (£9.85); 978-1-910248-75-1).

Also from Messenger is another RC daily resource on the Gospel readings, omitting Sundays and the Triduum: Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You: Weekday reflections for liturgical years 2017-18, by Martin Hogan, a parish priest in Dublin, who started by putting his thoughts on social media. This is his second com­pilation. Each reflection is 200 to 300 words long (£12.95 (£11.65); 978-1-910248-78-2).

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