NO ONE can fail to have noticed the prevalence of the
new-fangled practice of carrying mascots. It seems to have come in
with motoring. People, apparently sane, began to carry as a
figure-head to their cars some grotesque token - a teddy-bear, or a
monkey, or the like. Even our soldiers take mascots with them to
the war. The latest development of this insane craze is to be seen
at a West-end shop, where china cats are on sale for use as
domestic mascots. An inscription on the pedestal assures the
purchaser that the mascot will preserve him from harm. Long before
the war broke out it was noticeable that with the decline of
religion in England there came an accompanying growth of
superstition. It looks as though the human mind cannot be satisfied
when it has lost faith, but must needs fall back upon unworthy
substitutes. Hence it has not been surprising to see an immense
vogue of the occult. Spiritualism, crystal-gazing, palmistry, and a
host of superstitious practices, not unmixed with charlatanry,
compete with the decent observances of our holy religion; and now
comes the mascot with its legend in place of that better and nobler
one, In hoc Signo vinces, so much worthier to be the
cherished safeguard of our gallant soldiers. How far some people
have travelled from sanity is shown by an incident for which we can
vouch. The occupants of a car which was adorned with a black cat
for a mascot, seeing another car which had upon it a figure of St
Christopher, laughed derisively at the superstitious
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