SURELY it is the first time that the Mothers' Union has had its
logo embroidered on the collar of a rugby shirt (above).
The South Wales Scorpions' Rugby League Club held a collection for
the MU "Make a Mother's Day" appeal on Mothering Sunday, when they
played against Hemel Stags in the Kingstone Press Championship at
Maesteg, Llandaff diocese.
It had been the idea of the Scorpions' captain, Phil Carleton,
whose mother, Jean Carleton, has been a long-time member of the MU.
When he heard of the opportunity to get involved with the appeal,
Mr Carleton says that he jumped at the chance.
"I'm sure I speak for all when I say that without our mums, over
the years, we would be lost. I just think about the times my mum
has taxied, cheered, and consoled me through my life - and that's
not just on the sports field. For me, this is the very least we can
do in giving them one day back."
The Scorpions' assistant coach, Paul Emanuelli (above, with
his mother, Kay), agreed. "Where would we be without mum
giving us a lift to training, washing our kit, making the
sandwiches, or shouting from the sidelines? Not everyone is that
fortunate; so we're delighted to support an organisation that cares
for families so much and wants the best for them."
Before the match, there was a Mother's Day lunch at the
Scorpions' official pub, the Maltsters Arms. Anyone buying a lunch
on that day received a voucher that would get them into the match
for half price, and the lunches were sold out well beforehand. Many
MU members from local branches were there to cheer the teams