LENT is almost over, but it is not too late to give to the
Church Times Train-A-Priest (TAP) Fund appeal. It stays
open during Eastertide. If you haven't had time to give to TAP
during Lent, why not make an Easter offering in thanksgiving for
priestly ministry received - or exercised? Every gift to TAP is
ring-fenced for ministry. Not a penny is deducted to cover
administrative costs.
There is also plenty of time to organise a special collection or
a fund-raising effort for this year's appeal. The annual parochial
church meeting, often held on Low Sunday, is a good opportunity to
spread the word about TAP. To help you, a colour leaflet that does
all the explaining, and which includes a Gift Aid form, can be
downloaded from our website.
TAP grants are made to ordinands, married or single, in
full-time training for the priesthood in the C of E. In addition,
ten per cent of every donation goes into the Special Hardship
Anyone in training - full- or part-time - for the priesthood in
the C of E can apply for a TAP Special Hardship grant if he or she
experiences unforeseen financial difficulties.
You can give by cheque, postal order, cash, and charity cheque.
The Gift Aid form, which increases the value of a taxpayer's
donation, is printed here. But many of our readers find that the
simplest way to give is by means of our secure online giving page:
Please send other donations to: TAP Fund, Church Times,
13a Hellesdon Park Road, Norwich NR6 5DR. For an acknowledgement,
please enclose a SAE. To earmark a donation for the Special
Hardship Fund, please use a covering note.