RISKING "unpopularity"
and "flak" is "the stuff of the job" of an Archbishop of
Canterbury, Dr Williams said in a programme broadcast on New Year's
Day, the day after his archiepiscopate ended.
In Goodbye to Canterbury, on BBC2, Dr
Williams said that he had come to realise "that maybe Britain
benefits from having someone to get angry with", and that nothing
had prepared him for "the level of public scrutiny" of being
"All your mistakes and
errors of judgement are out there in public straight away," he
said. "If you say anything silly, or anything that can be made to
sound silly, it's out there immediately for comment, with plenty of
people to tell you exactly what you should have said or should have
done. So these years have been more about old-fashioned patience
than martyrdom."
In the programme, Dr
Williams also spoke of his opposition to the Iraq war in 2003. Once
war had broken out, and troops were on the ground, Dr Williams
decided not to "sound off from a distance". He had tried to focus
the debate on what an exit to the war would look like, "what would
justice after the war look like", which left him "satisfying
nobody. . . People who think you ought to be swinging behind the
Government are disappointed; people who think you ought always to
be making loud and clear noises about global ethics will be
"But I still think it's a
path worth treading, because the important thing about Archbishops
speaking in public is, I believe, they shouldn't ever be speaking
in ways that have no cost, when other people are paying a
In a separate message, also broadcast on BBC2 on
New Year's Day, Dr Williams spoke of the volunteers who "worked
away, without complaint, all hours of the day and night" during the
Olympics and Paralympics. At social projects run by churches, Dr
Williams said, religion "isn't a social problem or an old-fashioned
embarrassment: it's a wellspring of energy, and a source of
life-giving vision for how people should be regarded and
On Boxing Day, it was
announced that, like his predecessors, Dr Williams would recieve a
life peerage on his retirement as Archbishop. His title will be
Baron Williams of Oystermouth in the City and County of Swansea. Dr
Williams will be installed as Master of Magdalene College,
Cambridge, this month (Feature).
Now that Dr Williams's
archiepiscopate has ended, the pro- cess leading up to the
enthronement of his successor, the Bishop of Durham, the Rt Revd
Justin Welby (
News, 16 November), will begin.
The College of Canons of
Canterbury Cathedral will meet on Thursday of next week to elect
Bishop Welby as the new Archbishop, having received the Congé
d'Elire from the Crown confirming that the See of Canterbury is
A statement from Lambeth Palace said: "A legal
ceremony, the Confirmation of Election, will take place on 4
February 2013 at St Paul's Cathedral. The Dean of Canterbury will
confirm to a commission of diocesan bishops that Bishop Justin has
been elected according to statute. At this point, the office of
Archbishop is conferred on Justin Welby - until then he remains
Bishop of Durham.
"The Enthronement will take place on 21 March 2013 at Canterbury
Cathedral. The new Archbishop will be placed on two thrones - the
diocesan throne in the Cathedral Quire as the Bishop of the Diocese
of Canterbury, and the Chair of St Augustine as Archbishop of
THE Archbishops of Canterbury and York have called on
the Government to improve the lot of elderly people, writes
Paul Wilkinson.
In his last speech
in the House of Lords before stepping down as Archbishop, Dr
Williams said that the quality of life of older people was an issue
that was "pressing and still largely ignored".
He told peers: "We
are becoming dangerously used to speaking and thinking of 'an
ageing population' as a problem - a burden on the public purse and
private resources alike." Considering old people as "essentially
passive" was a "damaging stereotype".
In fact, the older
generation played a vital voluntary part in communities, and their
efforts in "caring and family maintenance" were estimated to be
worth £50 billion to the economy. "More than half the over-60
population are involved in some sort of formal and structured
voluntary work," he said.
"Over half of the
population believes that this is part of what they should aspire to
in later life, and a third are willing to take part in informal
volunteering. It means, quite simply, that a majority of the older
population are ready to do what they can, unpaid, to support the
fabric of society."
Dr Williams went on:
"It is assumptions about the basically passive character of the
older population that foster attitudes of contempt and
exasperation, and ultimately create a climate in which abuse
He highlighted work
done by the Older People's Commissioner for Wales, Ruth Marks, who
estimated that one in four elderly people had suffered abuse. "It's
worth considering whether the model of an older people's
commissioner is one that Wales might helpfully lend to other parts
of the United Kingdom."
Writing in The Daily Telegraph last
week, Dr Sentamu supported Dr Williams. "Catastrophic care costs
fall on those very people who are struggling with the greatest
level of sickness and frailty. I do not believe that is morally
right. . . It is time for this Coalition Government to step up to
the challenge and give the gift of dignity and peace of mind to the
frailest members of our society."