EVERYONE knows that there are some good yarns in the Bible - but
who would have thought that someone could knit them? A selection of
some of the most familiar Bible stories, told in the form of
knitted figures, goes on show next week at St Mary's, Richmond, in
North Yorkshire.
The 33 scenes, which range from the Garden of Eden to the Last
Supper, have been knitted over the past five years by members of St
George's United Reformed Church, Hartlepool, in Co. Durham.
The Minister of St George's, the Revd Val Towler, said: "When we
started knitting at the end of February 2008, we were only
intending to create the scene of the Last Supper, but enthusiasm
and imagination combined to make us much more ambitious.
"Our hope is that, in depicting some of the best-known stories
in the Bible, everyone who sees them will be able to understand and
enjoy them, and may discover some detail that they had forgotten or
never noticed before, while learning more about God and his love
for this world and its people.
"The project has involved most of our own congregation, as well
as friends from other churches and places, who have knitted, sewn,
constructed scenery and props, made donations of materials, taken
photographs, made videos, and produced a 'Knitted Bible' booklet.
None of it would have been possible without their help and support,
for which I am extremely grateful."