From Mr Andrew McLuskey
Sir, - The award of the Nobel Prize for Science to Professor
Peter Higgs should be an occasion for serious reflection on what
his amazing discovery means for theology or the philosophy of
For those of us who take an interest in these matters, it has
been clear for some time that the "Higgs" boson can be related to
the traditional design argument for the existence of God. In fact,
the particle in question fits remarkably well with this through one
of its central claims. This is that, shortly after the Big Bang,
the whole Higgs "field" switched on, turning the vacuum of space -
with the particles of the newborn universe hurtling round aimlessly
- into a kind of cosmic glue.
We can, I think, go further. In a recent article, the science
writer Jeff Forshaw has pointed out that the Professor's discovery
"is a worthy testament to nature's beauty". This comment for its
part will remind many of the so-called aesthetic principle, which
argues that our capacity to appreciate beauty must be evidence of a
divine creator.
Looking to the future, commentators are telling us that further
investigation of the Higgs phenomenon may well lead to a deeper
understanding of gravity and - in particular - dark matter. Such
exploration is very relevant to the increasingly held view that
reducing everything to electrons and protons does not do full
justice to the mystery of matter.
So, without wishing to force the learned Professor into a
theological mould, we must be grateful to him for suggesting ways
forward in the lively religion-and-science debate.
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Staines TW19 7JE