From the Revd Neswyn Firth
Sir, - In response to the letter from the Revd Dr David Gosling
(4 October),
my husband and I were also utterly dismayed by the killing of so
many people in Peshawar, where we know many who are affected.
I, too, decry the use of drones, but question whether innocent
civilians are deliberately targeted, as were those at worship in
All Saints'. Does Dr Gosling mean to imply that revenge is
Very rarely do we hear of Christians retaliating in any of the
many parts of the world where they are attacked.
May we continue to uphold them in prayer, and give them our
support, as they strive to forgive and work for peace and
(Formerly on the staff of Edwardes College School, Peshawar)
Springfield, Westgate Steet
Llanidloes, Powys SY18 6HJ