From the Revd Dr Edward Dowler
Sir, - The Revd Mark Earey presents a baneful (though sadly
increasingly realised) vision for the future of Anglican liturgy,
in which "good worship" becomes synonymous with liturgical anarchy,
and our prayer as a Church becomes increasingly less "common" with
every passing year (Comment, 4
The liturgy is the dress rehearsal for the worship of heaven,
where the saints and angels gather before the throne of God to
praise him with united voice. It has been handed down to us through
the ages, albeit in an evolving form in Western Christianity, as a
precious gift for us to pass on. It is not something for the clergy
or other members of a congregation (most probably those with power,
time, and computer skills) to think that they can endlessly
manipulate and control, according to their own inevitably partial
sense of what works best in their context.
We do not shape the liturgy: the liturgy shapes us, corporately
and individually orientating us more and more towards its subject,
which is the mystery of God, not our own self-understanding.
Given the verbosity of Common Worship, we surely do not
need a "big new liturgical writing exercise", either at national or
at local level. We do need a renewed liturgical culture in which
celebration, penitence, receptiveness to God's word, sacramental
presence, and, perhaps above all, a greater sense of silence and
stillness - all gifts that the liturgy brings, along with many
others - are more fully realised in each and every celebration of
This will require work and imagination, but of a very different
kind from the non-stop, inexpert, localised liturgical tinkering
that is effectively what Mr Earey suggests.
Clay Hill Vicarage
92 Browning Road
Enfield EN2 0HG
From the Revd Dru Brooke-Taylor
Sir, - Please, no! Handled intelligently, Common
Worship gives plenty of flexibility as it is. Besides, there
is a lot of authorised material that, I suspect, many of the clergy
have never even tried. Endless revision would pander to the far too
widespread belief that "We know better than the book," otherwise
expressed as "Why shouldn't I use the Roman Rite/ change the creeds
to fit my particular foibles/write my own hip version of the
Eucharistic Prayer?" Having a book and sticking to it protects
congregations from being the victims of this.
It would be very useful to have some sort of forum for the
exchange of ideas and experience of what people think works and
doesn't. There might even be a case for some sort of power for
bishops to waive some aspects of compliance temporarily, or to
authorise extra bits, as was done for the Diamond Jubilee and has
been done recently for eucharists suitable for children.
As a general principle, however, reviewing Common
Worship now would be moving into the Trotskyite territory of
permanent revolution. It would be like the software providers'
issuing continual updates, CW v 1.01, 1.02, etc., and expecting the
user to pay for them. Churches would presumably have to reinvest in
expensive suites of new books that are hardly different from the
previous ones.
2 Oldfield Road
Bristol BS8 4QQ