WE REGRET that certain Felixstowe clergymen should have so completely failed to understand the happy joy of the Catholic Faith and the purpose of Sunday in the Christian life as to join hands with local Nonconformist ministers in an attempt to stop Sunday concerts on the local pier. Happily, the licensing justices declined to lend themselves to Puritan tyranny, and with Christian common sense have permitted the concerts, so long as the bands engaged are competent to perform good music. That is an admirable condition. Sunday music should be the best music, just as the Sunday spirit should be the kindest and most brotherly spirit. The Rev. Arthur Gould of Huttoft, Lincolnshire, evidently understands this true Sunday spirit. He suggests that the parish war memorial shall take the form of a village club, with tennis courts, bowling green, and reading room, all open on Sundays except during Divine service. If a cricket pitch can be added to the scheme, it will be ideal. Mass in the morning, tennis in the afternoon, with a pleasant hour with the illustrated papers in the reading-room after Evensong, suggest a combination calculated to make Huttoft a truly Christian village.
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