Transforming Love: How friendship with Jesus changes us by Amy Boucher Pye (Form/SPCK Publishing £10.99 (£9.89); 978-0-281-08795-2).
“When Jesus walked the earth, Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were some of his closest friends. He loved them just as they were but equally empowered them to become so much more. Here, Amy Boucher Pye unpacks the dynamics of this remarkable friendship, inviting you to be transformed by the same love that shaped their lives. Wherever you are on your life's journey, let yourself experience grounded faith, boundless joy, and profound peace through an ever-deepening friendship with Jesus.”
Living with Ignatius: On the Compass of Joy by Nikolaas Sintobin (Messenger Publications; £8.95 (£8.05); 978-1-78812-598-7).
“What makes a successful life, and how do I decide what do with mine? What does it mean to believe in God? Does God still hold the same meaning and relevance in our time, and if so, how can I tap into that meaning? These are just some of the questions addressed in this new book on how the lived experience of St Ignatius Loyola can be used as a guiding principle towards a more intensely and consciously lived life in today’s world.”
Present in Every Place? The Church of England’s new churches, and the future of the Parish by Will Foulger (SCM Press, £25 (£20); 978-0-334-06203-5).
“This book is about the instinct to form churches that are of and for a particular place, and what this might mean in a world where place is contested, interconnected, and ever-changing. Above all it is an attempt to move the conversation beyond the binary choices of parish or non, new or inherited. It offers a powerful and persuasive vision for a Church that is national only by being local; a vision that can only be realised as churches continually become present to their places.”
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which operates the Church Times Bookshop.