HIGHLIGHT: Start the Week Andrew Marr and guests, including Lord Sacks, discuss money, morality, and power. Monday 9am Radio 4
TELEVISION: Sunday 1.15pm (BBC1) Songs of Praise On International Women’s Day, Katherine Jenkins hears how Christian sisters founded a charity, and Michelle Sloan celebrates women of the Bible.
Monday 8pm (C4) Celebs for Sale: The great charity scandal Antony Barnett reveals how some of Britain’s most famous people profit from their charity work.
Tuesday, Wednesay, Thursday 7.30pm (PBS America) Saints and Sinners: A millennium of monasteries How monasteries shaped every aspect of medieval Britain (1-3/3) (repeat).
Wednesday 8pm (C5) Recycling: Is it a con? Are councils and big-name supermarkets as environmentally friendly as they claim?
Thursday 7.30pm (BBC2) Villages by the Sea Ben Robinson explores the history of Holy Island, starting with the arrival of monks.
RADIO: Friday 1.30pm (World Service) Heart and Soul Sophia Smith-Galer looks at religion in the digital age. Are some religion apps stealing your data?
Sunday 8.10am (R4) Sunday Worship A service marking International Women’s Day, from St Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow.
3pm (R3) Choral Evensong A repeat of last week’s service from The Queen’s College, Oxford, recorded on 29 October 2019.
Tuesday 8pm (R4) File on 4 What is being done to persuade hardened jihadists to turn away from violence? (9/10)
Wednesday 3.30pm (R3) Choral Evensong Live from Manchester Cathedral.
8.45pm (R4) Lent Talks The TV presenter Simon Thomas, whose wife died last year, reflects on the impact of grief (2/6).
Thursday 9am (R4) In Our Time Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the Scottish Covenanters.