Your questions:
Can anyone give the source of the St John Chrysostom quotation in Jeremy Taylor’s Holy Living and Dying: “The result of all which we may reade in the words of S. Chrysostom: To know the art of alms, is greater than to be crowned with the Diadem of kings. And yet to convert one soul is greater than to poure out ten thousand talents into the baskets of the poor”? (This is is from Chapter IV: “Of the Christian Religion”, section viii “Of Alms”.)
A. B.
Why is the Song of Songs treated as one poem, not 11?
P. B.
Andrew Brown reports on the lack of BAME presence among the senior leadership of the Holy Trinity, Brompton, and New Wine networks (Press, 12 June). Are Evangelical/Charismatic BAME Christians more likely to attend black-led independent churches?
A. C.
A list of conference speakers includes the dean of a cathedral, some bishops, a reader (in a university), a vicar, a canon chancellor, a Regius professor (a residentiary canon), and a dean/precentor. When Readers are being asked to change their title to “licensed lay ministers” to make their role clearer to people, is the Church of England missing a greater opportunity?
J. M.
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