WE HAVE received many stories over the years about what a lifeline the Church Times Train-A-Priest (TAP) Fund has been. At a time when the Church of England is seeking to increase the number of those offering for ordination, the fund is needed more than ever.
Thank you to readers who have responded to the appeal so far: the total raised now stands at just over £26,000. But this is 15 per cent down on the total this time last year, and far short of previous years. So if you have not donated already, please do consider giving generously. You can have complete confidence that every penny you give will go direct to an ordinands in need.
How to give:
GIVING online is the easiest means of donating to TAP, and saves us time in processing payments. Simply visit www.churchtimes.co.uk/train-a-priest-fund. The instructions there are clear, and there is a link to a secure page for donations. There is also a downloadable leaflet about TAP, to print and distribute in your church.
Otherwise, we accept cheques, postal orders, cash, and charity cheques, which should be sent to: TAP Fund, Church Times, 13a Hellesdon Park Road, Norwich NR6 5DR.
If you would like an acknowledgement, please enclose a stamped addressed envelope. UK taxpayers: please boost your donation by making a Gift Aid declaration. Again, this can be done online, or on the form printed in last week’s Church Times.