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Salvation Army launches new resource to engage the elderly

29 September 2017

salvation army

Smiles: a Salvation Army officer offers a helping hand to a senior citizen

Smiles: a Salvation Army officer offers a helping hand to a senior citizen

“WHO am I?” That is the question being posed in a new resource pack for the elderly, published this week by the Salvation Army to coincide with the international day for older people, on 1 October.

The pack, released on Tuesday, includes games and activities to be used as part of a Sunday service or a midweek fellowship gathering, such as an over-sixties or cameo group. The activities include participants’ thinking about and discussing what they mean to themselves, to others, and to God.

The assistant director of older people’s ministries at the Salvation Army, Andrew Wileman, explained: “Retirement can bring a sense of isolation and helplessness as people consider all that they have been in the past, feeling that they don’t have a sense of calling in their later years. This special day is a won­derful oppor­tunity to engage with our older people and allow them time to con­sider their calling by God, which is for all people, all ages, at all times.”

In one game, participants have to guess the name of famous Chris­tians, after being given three facts about them. Another activity involves discussing identity and relation­ship to others, such as being a friend, par­ent, grandparent, or col­league; how participants spend their time; and what they love about their church.

The resource pack also includes a “prayer journal” on which to write thoughts and prayers throughout the week, and ideas for topics of prayer, such as: “Who am I to others?” “Who am I to Christ?” “Who was I?” “And who am I to be?”

“Many older people achieve incred­ible things during retirement,” Mr Wileman said. “These resources aim to help people consider their identity, and reflect on the truth that everyone has a calling and a pur­pose to fulfil, no matter their age.”

To download the resource pack, visit www.salvationarmy.org.uk/retirement.


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