From Rosemary Charles
Sir, - After many reports advocating WiFi in churches, it came
as some relief to read the letter (23 January)
from A. Wills sounding a warning note on this topic.
Although she is writing about WiFi in particular, I continue to
have concerns about the use of church towers for aerials. I have
electro-magnetic hypersensitivity, which means that I am affected
by cordless phones, mobile phones, microwave ovens, touch-screen
computers, and high-voltage power cables. Hence I do my best to
avoid exposure to these and other similar devices.
As a bell-ringer, however, I am more than usually exposed to any
output in church towers. I have been told that everyone is
affected, but only some people are aware of symptoms - strong
headache and unpleasant tension, mainly. And before you dismiss me
as an oddity: the only other unusual trait I have is that I read
the Church Times.
6 Bridewell Street
Wymondham NR18 0AR