IN A survey of mothers in ministry, three-quarters of those
questioned said that motherhood had made them a better priest - but
that their own children suffered.
Clerical mothers said that they struggled to find the time for
their own children or husbands because of the demands of church
life. More than half said that they did not have any time for
themselves, or for friends, or a hobby.
The poll, by Christian Research, in the run-up to Mothering
Sunday, surveyed 176 mothers who are exercising full-time ministry
in the UK.
Gerry Stacey, of Christian Research, said: "As we celebrate
Mothering Sunday, we need to remember the hidden mums in our
churches. They give a huge amount of time to help Britain's
churches flourish.
But congregations need to recognise that they are mums, too, and
need to spend time with their families."
Christian Research has produced "Ten Commandments" for mothers
in ministry (right).