Fathomless Riches: Or how I went from pop to
Richard Coles
Weidenfeld & Nicolson £20
Church Times Bookshop £18 (Use code CT292
I SUSPECT that there is a moment in many households, a day or so
after Christmas, when a book given as a festive gift is thumbed for
the first time. I have a sneaking suspicion that there will be
entertaining scenes in some such households this year, when someone
given a copy of the memoir by "that nice-sounding vicar off Radio
4" finds himself or herself unexpectedly catapulted into a world of
illicit outdoor sex on page 4.
If the said reader - perhaps an elderly, churchgoing,
Archers-listening aunt? - then puts down this book in
disgust, it will be a great shame; for Richard Coles has achieved a
rare thing in writing an astonishingly honest autobiography, which,
alongside the sex and drugs, presents Christian faith in a way that
will surely be invitingly intriguing to an audience well beyond the
It is one of a few recently published books concerning faith -
Francis Spufford's Unapologetic is another - which I could
imagine giving to an agnostic friend without feeling embarrassed.
And this is a deeply evangelical book, in the very best sense,
offering an often movingly poignant account of a surprise adult
re-engagement with Christian faith after the triumphs and
ambiguities of pop stardom.
It was the novelist Sara Maitland who recommended that Coles
attend a service at St Alban's, Holborn, in London, on the basis
that it might be more engaging for him than his local church. (For
those deeply "for the parish", it is a reminder of how many
vocations are nurtured in those who have crossed parochial
boundaries in search of an accessible entry-point to the
Coles notes wryly that he must be "one of the very few people in
the Church of England to have gone to a solemn high mass at St
Alban's, Holborn, and there experienced a classic Protestant
Coles has a gift for headline-style openings to paragraphs: "I
don't think I really believed in evil until I went to Mirfield" is
one classic ex- ample. On countless pages, shrewd observations
about contemporary society, and occasionally biting comment about
the Church, is couched in the elegant turn of phrase well-known to
listeners to Radio 4's Saturday Live, which Coles
This is an immensely enjoyable memoir, whether a reader's
primary interest is the music industry, the impact of AIDS, the
Church of England, or a wonderfully Anglican combination of all
three. So, a Christmas read to be highly recommended - although
not, perhaps, for absolutely every relative in need of a
last-minute gift.
The Revd Christopher Landau is Assistant Curate of St
Luke's, West Kilburn, and Emmanuel Church, Harrow Road, in London,
and is a former reporter for BBC Radio 4's World at One
and PM.