(From our Correspondent.)
FOR some time it has been recognized by a number of the
clergy of Manchester and Salford that steady and determined efforts
were being made by Roman Catholics to pervert members of the Church
of England, and especially of congregations supposed to be in
sympathy with Catholic views, from their own communion. This
campaign has come to a head in a Mission now being conducted by
Monsignor R. H. Benson at the Roman Catholic Cathedral. . . Anyone
who has read Mr Benson's novels and remembers how, in "The
Conventionalists'' for instance, he guys (I really cannot use any
other word) the administration of the Communion of the Sick in the
Church of which he was once a priest will know what to expect. A
friend of mine tells me, however, that the addresses were
enlightened by at least one glimpse of unconscious humour. Mr
Benson was describing those Roman Catholics, few, very few, he
assured his congregation, who left the Church of Rome. They were,
he declared, taken up vigorously by Protestants, and spent the rest
of their days "biting the hand that had fed them by traducing the
Church they had left". "But, surely," said a lady sitting next my
friend, "he was himself once a clergyman in the Church of England.
Whose hand has he been biting all the evening?"