STUDENTS of Leeds Metropolitan University, in what is now the
diocese of West Yorkshire & the Dales, drew a
splendid dragon on the pavement in Millennium Square, Leeds, on 23
April, and invited passers-by to fill its outline with coins. This
was part of their final-year project to raise funds for St George's
Crypt, the city-centre charity at the Parish Church of St George
which supports the homeless.
There was also a tombola, a cake stall, and music from St
George's. The event attracted a great deal support. The boyfriend
of one of the students dressed as St George, and that captured the
imagination of passing children, who helped to fill the dragon with
Martin Barry, a volunteer at the Crypt, says that the weather
was glorious, "and it was wonderful to chat to so many people about
the work of the Crypt".