WHEN asked, the Revd Mike Haslam, a non-stipendiary minister in
the Alfred Jewel Benefice in Somerset, and chaplain to a local
secondary school, readily admits his latest fund-raising challenge
is fairly extreme.
"I wanted to do something that was a bit mad. Or perhaps very
mad," he said last week, one day into a 16-day 630-mile run along
the South West Coastal Path from Minehead to Poole.
"It's certainly the biggest challenge I've ever attempted:
completing the whole length involves climbing a total of 35,000
metres, with an average daily distance of 45 miles," he said. Mr
Haslam is running to raise money for Chris- tian Aid, and had
already amassed £1600 before he began the run last week.
He said: "People have been incredibly generous - family,
friends, Christian Aid supporters. I'm missing my wife and kids a
lot, but I'm also aware that I'm doing this for families who are
permanently separated."
As he spoke to the Church Times, Mr Haslam was walking
down the Tamar estuary. He expected to have to walk rather than run
at times, and that he might not finish the route.
"Only four people have ever tried to do the South West coastal
path at speed, and one had to pull out at Plymouth."