DUTIFUL Christians who care about tradition will find, if they
attend to the New Testament, how radical this tradition of theirs
is. The Church began among people who were hoping for a Messiah, a
Christ. The Messiah came, but the manner of his coming and what
happened, and the way he refounded the tradition that his followers
maintain through the centuries, were all quite unexpected. It would
be strange to suppose that God has nothing new in store for his
people any more. It is more reverent to trust in a God who may
surprise us than to suppose that we have the Almighty taped.
A good deal of Christian loyalty to unchanging tradition looks
like an attempt to protect God from being let down by liberals.
Some of the anxiety people are feeling about loss of standards is
based on a notion that God will be shocked if people allow their
moral beliefs to develop and change, as if our Heavenly Father were
an Aged Parent who will be upset unless each generation keeps
everything going on in the same good old way.
But the Christian gospel is not about things going on in the
same old way. God is less timid than human moralists and more
inclined to take risks. The Son of God when he came took great
risks of being misunderstood, both in his teaching and in his
behaviour. What happened was the Cross, when it all went horribly
wrong, and the Resurrection, when God gloriously brought good out
of evil. That is the characteristic pattern of Christian
So, likewise, the shape of Christian ethics turns out to be more
risky than careful conformity to settled moral principles.
Christians do God's will by entering into the divine pattern of
generous offer and grateful response. The key word is "therefore".
"God is like this: therefore we are to be like this." That was the
basis of St Paul's teaching to the young churches. Our Lord Jesus
Christ "died for us so that . . . we might live with him. Therefore
encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are
doing" - indeed, one may notice, just as St Paul himself was
Tolerant moralists, who sit lightly to fixed standards, do run
the risk of preaching "cheap grace"; but it is more dangerous to
preach grudging grace. People quickly pick up the message that God
is mean. If they have broken the rules, or even if they have not
seen the point of the rules, they are not wanted, and God's Church
is not for them. That is a travesty of Christian belief, but
persists. Some loyal Christians never see the harm they do by their
unimaginative confidence. The people they fail to welcome do not
stay and argue: they simply go away, and stop expecting the Church
of Christ to have any blessings to offer to them or their
An extract from Christian Faith for Handing On by
Helen Oppenheimer (Lutterworth Press, £15 (CT Bookshop
£13.50); 978-0-71889-350-7).