WE KNOW what we must do: we "spring forward" and we "fall back".
But is this the best use of our time?
Debating the effects of turning the clocks back has been a
British pastime for nearly a century. Germany and its allies were
the first European countries to adopt Daylight Saving Time (DST) in
1916, followed by the UK and other Western European countries, in
an effort to save fuel during the First World War.
During the Second World War, the Government moved the clocks
forward one hour to help munitions factories maximise productivity
and allow people to get home safely before the blackout. This
practice is remembered by one senior citizen: "How well I remember
the '39-'45 war, when we had Summer Time in winter and Double
British Summer Time [two hours forward]: longer daylight for
games-playing in winter, and long, lazy light evenings in summer. .
. It was equally good for our health and education. Bring back
These sentiments were echoed in the Commons last month when Sir
Greg Knight asked the Deputy Leader of the House of Commons, Tom
Brake: "Can we have a debate on making better use of natural
resources, particularly daylight?
"Are you aware that this weekend we are to undertake the flawed
ritual of putting our clocks back one hour, thereby plunging the UK
into darkness by mid-afternoon? Can we have the opportunity to
examine the case for changing to British Summer Time and Double
Summer Time?"
In Sir Greg's view, DST would save lives, boost tourism, create
jobs, cut energy use, and raise the spirits of the nation. Mr Brake
replied: "Clearly, I think we are all in favour of making better
use of daylight."
Hear, hear. But what is better? Agrarian societies are run by
the sun, industrialised societies by the clock; and some prefer the
former. As one commentator said: "DST was introduced in World War
One to help farmers gather in the harvest - a much more
labour-intensive operation than today's hi-tech combines.
"Frankly, now that they harvest at all hours, and plough and sow
winter cereals at night, using powerful headlights, it's not
necessary. I firmly believe we should use GMT all year, and stop
this nonsense of Summer Time/Double Summer Time. Just let us enjoy
the seasons as they unfold."
Our technological brilliance at conquering the dark is matched
by our emotional listlessness when faced by it. The psalmist noted
that, to God, dark and light are alike; but we are children of the
light who want the light left on.
We can change the clocks: we have the power; or we could
befriend the seasons, which mean us no harm.
Angela Tilby is away.