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UK news in brief

06 December 2013


Singing: Princess Beatrice of York attends Carols by Candlelight, a Carol Service in aid of Children in Crisis

Singing: Princess Beatrice of York attends Carols by Candlelight, a Carol Service in aid of Children in Crisis

Commissioners to move Bath & Wells bishop

THE Church Commissioners are to provide new housing for future Bishops of Bath & Wells, it was announced on Tuesday. The Bishop will continue to work and worship at the Palace, and to share the office with the Bishop of Taunton. The Secretary to the Commissioners, Andrew Brown, said that moving the bishop's home "will mean that he can live in more privacy, as the Palace and gardens will remain open to the public. We are currently looking at an alternative residence near to Wells."

Sunday Worship app released

A NEW app has been released to encourage more people to follow Sunday services using mobile devices. Sunday Worship (for iPad/iPhone) includes the Bible readings for the main Sunday service, together with the collect and post-communion prayers for the week using the Common Worship design. The apps are available on iTunes. www.chpublishing.co.uk/features/our-apps

Call for precious gift at Christmas

THE "fleshandblood" campaign, which aims to encourage more donors, is backing a call by NHS Blood and Transplant for people to come forward and donate over Christmas. The NHS says that from November to the New Year is typically a challenging time for blood stocks. www.fleshandblood.org

Correction: A line in our Camp Ashraf story was misquoted last week. It should have read: "The official Foreign and Commonwealth Office line that it cannot be confirmed that it was Iraqi forces that carried out the attack and abductions, and that it is leaders in Camp Liberty who are preventing access to proper outside help, does not bear scrutiny."

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