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Vandalism for the motorist

25 October 2013

October 24th, 1913.

EVERYONE who is concerned for the preservation of the amenities of the country must be greatly perturbed by the proposal to run a motor-road over the Styhead Pass in the Scafell mountain-group. It is pitiful to think what the construction of such a road would mean in the destruction of natural beauty and charm. The Scafell region is unique in this country for the singular combination of features that gives it an Alpine character. It is a Switzerland on a small scale, and here the climber, in quest of solitude and scenery of an impressive type, finds everything that his soul could desire. The proposed Styhead motor-road would make such enjoyment a thing of the past. An inevitable consequence of its construction would be a line of hotels and places for refreshment, and the solitudes of the mountain-heights would be invaded and desecrated by the noisy accompaniments of motor travel. We sincerely hope that the protests which have been made against this attempt to rob the climber even of the mountain-tops will not be in vain. Such protests have proved effective in other cases where the sanctity of beautiful places has been threatened with violation, but it has often required immense effort to secure them. We note with pleasure that some powerful voices have been raised in indignation at the proposed piece of vandalism.

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