Friday 07 February 2025
AS ENGLAND prepares for its second World Cup match this evening, against the United States, the Church has joined an international call to kick out the domestic abuse often linked to big sporting events
25 Nov 2022
THE newly installed Bishop of Mpwapwa, in Tanzania, the Rt Revd George Chiteto, died on Saturday, aged 59, just six days after being consecrated
09 Sep 2022
THE Archbishop of Canterbury and other bishops in Kent have called for the Government to “intervene decisively” to resolve the situation in Dover, where more than 2800 lorries are queuing to enter the port and the Channel Tunnel
23 Dec 2020
27 Sep 2019
08 Mar 2019
29 Mar 2018
The Diocese of Blackburn is seeking a priest with a passionate faith in the Gospel and with experience in the renewal of Parish life to be the next Archdeacon of Blackburn following the retirement of the Ven Mark Ireland.
We are seeking a strong and collaborative leader to work alongside our Ministry Team and volunteers in overseeing the running of our large and varied parish, and gently lead us forward.
An Urban Priority Parish in the heart of the country providing both challenge and reward. With excellent travel links to all parts of the UK and a wide choice of good schools.
The churches of the Lyth and Winster Valleys in the South Lakes are looking for a new Vicar.
We are a semi-rural parish in a beautiful area of Kent, with a supportive and caring community.
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A former British Airways captain has written his memoirs. He talked to Tim Wyatt about his work and faith
As younger people are drawn to strong leaders, education is vital, writes Richard Harries
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