Saturday 08 February 2025
THE Archbishop of York moved “that the appointment of the Venerable Pete Spiers as Chair of the Appointments Committee be approved”
18 Feb 2022
THE Archdeacon of the Gwent Valleys, the Ven. Sue Pinnington, died suddenly at the weekend, aged 55, the Church in Wales has announced
26 Jul 2021
Michael Ipgrave considers the effect of Covid regulations on services
09 Jul 2021
20 Jul 2020
18 Jan 2019
16 Mar 2018
The Diocese of Blackburn is seeking a priest with a passionate faith in the Gospel and with experience in the renewal of Parish life to be the next Archdeacon of Blackburn following the retirement of the Ven Mark Ireland.
We are seeking a strong and collaborative leader to work alongside our Ministry Team and volunteers in overseeing the running of our large and varied parish, and gently lead us forward.
We are a group of coastal and rural parishes in east Suffolk offering a blend of traditional church and New Worshipping Communities, established work in schools, and good relationships with the wider community.
Priest in Charge (Rector Designate) West Hereford Team.
We are a rural benefice, west of Stafford, made up of 6 churches in 5 parishes who enjoy working and worshipping together.
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A former British Airways captain has written his memoirs. He talked to Tim Wyatt about his work and faith
As younger people are drawn to strong leaders, education is vital, writes Richard Harries
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