1 Nothing right about fellow’s holy book (6)
4 Mother with donkey intercepted by copper in city (8)
9 Part of female’s body — no man is configured to contain one (6)
10 Daughter, joining predominantly women’s group at that place, wilted (8)
12 Meeting to bury English saints in holy hill (7)
13 Caterer worked in row of houses (7)
14 See clergy and laity in assembly (8,5)
19 Idea author is text’s second possibly, getting this name (7-6)
21 Objective to pin together ripped clothing (7)
24 A laughing stock, a learner joining touchingly? (7)
26 Members of tribe wanting some diet organised (8)
27 Description of creed is precise, one needing no introduction (6)
28 Please men, those partly getting legal right (8)
29 Something bad about shed — this person cannot get out (4-2)
1 By the way, keep away from the traffic here (8)
2 Poisonous herb in part of holy man’s attire (9)
3 OT female, I complain when upset (5)
5 Some moralists among the top people (1-4)
6 Notice that man leading awfully stern disciples (9)
7 Bad person, one brought before a church court (5)
8 Snake stepped on by son is less happy (6)
11 Pub had to be natural (6)
15 Mum’s niece involved in churches’ initiative (9)
16 Hard work needed to get a new watchword (6)
17 Most delicate saint tied in knots? (9)
18 In an old country church a minister enthralling fifty (8)
20 Endless avarice associated with church in the country (6)
22 Gods that are alluring? I sold out (5)
23 Old landowner at that time pocketing a bit of gold (5)
25 Unfortunate warrior, in old city, one with a hospital (5)
Last week's solution