Why We Believe: Finding meaning in uncertain times by Alister McGrath (Oneworld, £18.99 (Church Times SPECIAL OFFER PRICE £15.19); 978-0-86154-921-4).
“Alister McGrath offers a fresh perspective on belief, presenting it not as a weakness of rational thought but as an essential tool for navigating uncertainty. Elegant and thought-provoking, Why We Believe reveals how belief provides meaning in the face of existential despair, how it fosters community and offers solace.”
The White Bonhoeffer: A postcolonial pilgrimage by Tim Judson (SCM Press, £25 (Church Times SPECIAL OFFER PRICE £20); 978-0-334-06536-4).
“Bonhoeffer’s Whiteness offers the first serious attempt to understand the theologian’s doctrine and writing through the lens of critical whiteness. Through ongoing attentiveness to Black theologies of liberation, and the life and thought of Bonhoeffer, and drawing on both theological concepts and the author’s own personal narrative, the book highlights and offers some constructive ways towards living less violently, and more penitently, for those who inhabit White bodies in a White world.”
Grace Abounds: God’s abundance against the fear of scarcity by Walter Brueggemann (WJK, £15 (£13.50); 978-0-664-26591-5).
“Walter Brueggemann explores our human struggle of having a smallness of mind that breeds competition and envy against God’s prompting to move beyond our small selves to trust in God’s ultimate provision and to extend ourselves to others openhandedly.”
Selected by Frank Nugent, of the Church House Bookshop, which operates the Church Times Bookshop.