Fears for St Ethelburga’s, in shadow of skyscraper
A PROPOSED 54-storey skyscraper in the City of London will harm St Ethelburga’s Centre for Reconciliation, situated opposite the site, the former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Williams has warned. In a letter quoted in The Daily Telegraph this week, he writes: “Loss of natural light, building works over some five to six years, general adverse effect on the quiet and seclusion of the Centre, all combine to make this a wholly undesirable move. The crucial work of the Centre for reflection, conferences and meditation (especially its unique garden) will suffer severely.” Sir Tony Baldry, a former Second Church Estates Commissioner, who formerly chaired the trustees of St Ethelburga’s, said that the work was “a very real threat to the existence and survival of St Ethelburga’s as a church building and as an organisation serving the people of London”.
Dr Ward to leave St Stephen’s House
THE Principal of St Stephen’s House, Oxford, Canon Robin Ward, is to leave at the end of April, after 19 years in post. He spoke of a “very happy and fulfilling time” there in his statement this week. “As I enter my 60th year, I think it is important that the College is led with fresh eyes and fresh insights.” The work of a theological college, he said, was “shown in the priestly ministry of its students, and the abiding memory of my time here will be the privilege of accompanying them at the beginning of their formation, and seeing it come to fruition in the parishes and places where they now serve so faithfully”. The Bishop of Chichester, Dr Martin Warner, who chairs the House Council, said that it owed Dr Ward “a great debt of gratitude for his long and distinguished ministry”. An Acting Principal is to be appointed, whose work will include reviewing the position of Principal.
Views sought for future of Interfaith Week
THE future of Interfaith Week is to be subject to a nationwide consultation, in the wake of the closure of the Inter Faith Network last year, after government funding was withdrawn (News, 1 March, 2024). The consultation will be led by the Faith and Belief Forum and funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. Workshops will be held across the country and online, and an online questionnaire will be live from Monday 20 January. Inter Faith Week has been held every November since 2009. faithbeliefforum.org
Memorial service in Salisbury for Dean Willis
A MEMORIAL service for the Very Revd Robert Willis, a former Dean of Canterbury, is to be held at evensong at 3 p.m. in Salisbury Cathedral on 2 February (Obituary, 8 November). The former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Williams will preach.