READERS will spot a few changes in the Church Times this week.
You’ll notice that news has returned to the front page, reflecting our proud heritage as an independent newspaper. We’re providing a second Faith page every week, on which we offer creative — and practical — ideas for ministry in the parish, complemented by a monthly theology series. We’ve expanded our Comment section to include a weekly analysis on a significant topic. There are new TV and radio reviewers, and a fortnightly review of podcasts.
And — by popular request — the weekly crossword returns.
All this, alongside our usual careful reporting, thought-provoking columnists, Letters, commentary on Sunday’s readings, Books and Arts, Features, Gazette, cartoons, a caption competition, and, of course, the all-important job ads.
Our aim is to provide insightful and analytical journalism, using our independence and knowledge to hold the Church to account. We set out to reflect a range of views, and to provide a safe space for difficult conversations. Above all, we want to equip our readers with content that offers food for thought — and practical ideas to help you to live out your vocation.
In a time of upheaval for both Church and society, there’s never been a more important time to read the Church Times. We hope you will continue to enjoy the paper.
Sarah Meyrick, Editor
WATCH: Sarah Meyrick tells Associate Editor Ed Thornton more about the thinking behind the changes