BRADISH. The Revd Christopher Bradish, Assistant Area Dean of Andover, remaining Rector of Andover (Winchester).
BULL. The Revd Ruth Bull, NS Assistant Curate (Associate Minister) of St Michael and St Mary, Lichfield, and St John’s, Wall (Lichfield).
COLES. The Revd Matthew Coles, Assistant Area Dean of Andover (Winchester).
GOLDING. The Revd Nicholas Golding, Acting Dean and Priest-in-Charge in the Bro Caerfyrddin Local Mission Area (St Davids).
HAWORTH. The Revd Mark Haworth, Interim Priest-in-Charge of Haddenham, of Wilburton, of Witchford with Wentworth, of Sutton, of Witcham with Mepal, and of Coveney, and Assistant Curate of Downham, Little Thetford and Stretham, in the Ely Team Ministry, and Rural Dean of Ely (Ely).
ORMROD. The Revd Paul Ormrod, Chaplain of St John the Evangelist, Montreux, with Villars, Switzerland, and Canon of the Cathedral Chapter (Europe).
ROMANIS. The Revd Adam Romanis, Vicar of Heslington and of St Lawrence with St Nicholas, York (York).
SAMUELS. The Revd Sheila Samuels, LSMP Assistant Curate (Associate Minister) of the Godalming Minster Benefice (Guildford).
SMITH. The Revd Adrian Smith, Team Vicar in the St George’s Team Ministry, Leeds (Leeds): 8 September.
THACKER. The Revd Ian Thacker, Hon. Assistant Curate (Associate Minister) of Farleigh, Candover and Wield (Winchester).