CHURCH TIMES MONTH draws to a close this weekend, and I should like to thank the many readers who have helped to make the paper better known by distributing leaflets, putting up posters, and simply mentioning the paper to friends.
Easter Day is when free access to the Church Times website finishes — so encourage friends, neighbours, and correspondents to make the most of these remaining days, perhaps by reading and circulating this week’s Holy Week and Easter reflections.
Of course, the work of making the Church Times better known cannot stop here. Formation, discipleship, discernment — all the elements that contribute to a healthy worshipping community — can be greatly assisted by a subscription to the paper.
But, if that sounds too serious, we remain dedicated to our self-appointed task of making the Church and all its doings more easily understood. If you’ve not seen it, please find the webinar “Keeping faith in journalism”, hosted by Roger Bolton this month, which focuses on how we meet present-day challenges that work against the sort of independent reporting that this paper stands for.
The Church is now entering the season of annual meetings and the often difficult search for new church officers. (Perhaps the offer of a paid-for subscription to the Church Times might help?)
We still have leaflets left, and these would be ideal opportunities to spread the news of the paper still wider. Remember how simple it is to get hold of some: just send an email to, giving a name, postal address, and the number of leaflets you’d like (multiples of ten); or phone 01603 785911 with these details.
It is no exaggeration to say that the future of the Church Times depends on finding new subscribers to replace the loyal readers who have left us, many to a blissful place where marketing material can no longer reach them.
The staff, the contributors, the advertisers, and all involved in this enterprise owe a debt of gratitude to all who are able to help.
Read more about Church Times Month here