JOHN HOLDSWORTH’s Hidden in Plain Sight: Unearthing and earthing the Psalms (Sacristy Press, £12.99 (£11.70); 978-1-78959-319-8)
978-1-78959-319-8) originated as Lent talks and can be used by groups in that way, although the author suggests that it could be used at any time. He has deliberately avoided adding exercises, references to text not printed, or questions to consider, in the hope that the book may be useful as a relatively short reader for interested individuals, and as an encouragement to preachers.
The book comprises six attempts to see the Psalms from a fresh perspective. The first chapter sets out the argument that faith has often been at odd with lived experience: “the psalms present us with the voice of orinary religion, which we would categorize as defiant.” The book goes on to explore what God is a refuge from; how to respond to experiencing the absence of God; who is to blame when problems occur, and the “defiant belief” that God has a case to answer; human politics and expectations of kingship; and “the last stand for the defiant — Jerusalem”.
Reflections for Lent: 14 February-30 March 2024 by Andrew Davison, Colin Heber-Percy, Rachel Mann, and Mark Oakley (CHP, £4.99; 978-1-78140-451-5) offers daily material from the Reflections for Daily Prayer 2023/24 annual edition, and includes a guide to keeping a good Lent and an introduction to lectio divina by Stephen Cottrell.
Reading the Bible through Lent: All the daily Lenten scripture readings from the Catholic liturgy, with guidance for Lectio Divina by Adrian Graffy, a member of the Pontifical Biblical Commission (DLT, £12.99 (£10.39); 978-1-915412-08-9) provides readings from the Revised New Jerusalem Bible, with a short commentary, two questions for personal reflection, and two prayers.
Lent and Easter for Everyone: From wilderness to glory by Tom Wright (SPCK, £11.99 (£9.59); 978-0-281-07141-8) offers seven weeks’ worth of daily readings and reflections, drawn from the author’s well-known For Everyone series, with practical suggestions for personal reflection or group discussion.
Not by Bread Alone: Daily reflections for Lent 2024 by Catherine Upchurch (Liturgical Press, £2.99; 978-0-8146-6705-7) provides material for a few minutes of devotion each day.
Godforsaken: The cross — the greatest hope of all by Stephen Cottrell is now reissued in paperback (Hodder & Stoughton, £9.99 (£7.99); 978-1-3998-0525-4). “Words of a skilled preacher, anecdotal, world-engaging, intelligent but aimed at the heart, poetic, inspiriting”, our reviewer, Mark Oakley, said (Lent Books, 20 January 2023). He suggested (Lent Books, 31 January 2003) that groups would enjoy using Christ and Chocolaterie: Lent course (new edition) by Hilary Brand (DLT, £6.99 (£5.59); 978-1-915412-67-6), a course inspired by the film Chocolat and now updated 21 years on.