HANNAH STEELE’s new book is a direct successor to Living His Story, the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Lent Book in 2021 (Books, 22 January 2021). That book focused on how we are all called to be disciples and evangelists, not as an action or a choice, but as part of being in relationship with God. Living His Story Together is a natural heir since it explores the calling of the Church to mission as a natural way of life which is part of being the Church of God.
It is tightly organised and clearly structured. Steele explores the context that we minister and live in and what good Christian engagement looks like. In the main chapters of the book, she explores how the Church should be present in the world, how it becomes a healthy community, how it bears witness, and how it responds to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Elegant, wide-ranging, and encouraging, Steele’s writing is accessible but never simplistic. She presents deep truths and questions about the life and flourishing of the Church in a voice that shows her love for the Church at its best and her desire for every church to fulfil its vocation as a community of love which cannot but express itself in mission.
A theological educator, Steele offers clear summaries of significant theologians in a few memorable paragraphs before connecting what they say with the local church by means of well-chosen examples from her own ministry and friendships. By consciously speaking to different ways of being church, she avoids falling into the trap of being partisan.
Her central thesis is that God does not change even as the world and our fortunes do. We must set aside anxiety and, through our trust in God, rediscover our calling to be the Church today — assured but humble, reflective but energised, inspired and curious.
This is an excellent book that will inspire individuals who are interested in reflecting on what the Church is for, and feed small groups wanting to explore evangelism and how to discern the Holy Sprit’s call and leading. The questions at the end of each chapter are mercifully few, encouraging richer and deeper conversation.
Some might wish for more talk of strategy (a word that first appears on page 133). Some might long for a clearer steer on how to turn discussion into practice. Others might wish for more emphasis on numerical growth as a measure of success.
Had Steele tried to do any of those things, this would be a less valuable work. Instead, she has produced a masterful book, which could and should be read by every church family whose members care about their engagement with the world and about showing God’s love not just in what they do, but in who they are.
The Revd Richard Lamey is the Director of Mission and Ministry in the diocese of Norwich.
Living His Story Together: Being a community of missionary disciples
Hannah Steele
SPCK £10.99
Church Times Bookshop £9.89