1 The ID most contrived for a logical and reasonable Christian? (9)
9 Mother of Skopje in austere sanatorium (6)
10 Peter, perhaps, to act quietly in a Christmas show (9)
11 Easter excited a woman (6)
12 Person assisting in stealing a handbag, maybe (9)
13 A lamb disturbed a prophet with an ass (6)
17 Ashamed to reveal Canaan’s father?(3)
19 Stipulation in favour of six getting a standing order (7)
20 Oil union across Connecticut (7)
21 Meat for flood survivor (3)
23 Heaps praise on previous spouse, lots surprisingly (6)
27 Free church minister provides mostly new list after reflection (9)
28 What no man is — but Man is! (6)
29 Young sage rebuilt a house of prayer (9)
30 Holy woman, 101, with nothing for the papal ambassador (6)
31 To live with truculent behaviour, said to bring supreme happiness! (9)
2 Orthodox bishop no longer leading Arkansas church (6)
3 Greeting the king gives to this place (6)
4 Death? I’d seem disturbed (6)
5 Jeroboam’s land, where the compassionate one came from? (7)
6 A meaningful connection concerning Leviticus article applied to church (9)
7 A nice miss excited about Jesus? (9)
8 Religious ceremony meant cars being organised (9)
14 Wandering sheep with a sin — such were addressed by Paul (9)
15 Candidate gets job over superior learner and worker (9)
16 Ill men in a whirl for long periods? (9)
17 Mount some racehorses (3)
18 Tight-lipped parent you can take either way (3)
22 Assistant to the priest gets a pass — yet being shaky (7)
24 Formally withdraw statement about insincere expressions of piety (6)
25 Tatty old cleaner not at home to provide French stew (6)
26 Chubby, red and German (6)
Last week's solution