I have been concerned for many years about how an “assisted dying” law in this country might affect the disabled — and attitudes towards them. My younger daughter, who has Down’s syndrome, is generally treated by the state as having “capacity”: that is, the ability to take decisions about what she wants, in her own interests. But she is highly suggestible, which in this context is a great worry
Dominic Lawson, The Sunday Times, 14 May
Forsaking other-worldly neutrality, the spiritual leader of the Church of England condemned measures to remove illegal migrants automatically as “morally unacceptable”. His fusilade followed an earlier description of planned deportations to Rwanda as “ungodly”. But what was again lacking from his criticism was a viable alternative
Leader, The Times, 11 May
Working with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and international partners, we should open more safe routes to reduce demand for people smuggling. We could lead the world in efforts to drive out the people smugglers while restoring our overseas aid budget to target support in countries where conflict and climate change are propelling migration. This could be done without compromising our commitment to dignity, hospitality and the rule of law
Paul Butler, Bishop of Durham, Letter, The Times, 13 May
Google alerted me to the headline: “Curry encourages graduates to embrace the journey to becoming the best version of themselves.” I thought, wow, that’s one benefit of eating curry I did not know about. Turns out it’s some bishop
Sejal Sukhadwala, curry specialist, Twitter, 15 May
Contrary to what we’ve been told for decades about new generations wanting the contemporary and the modern, my experience — as a father and as a priest — is that kids are too savvy and cynical for that. They can distinguish between language directly influenced by Shakespeare and language directly influenced by a committee based on diversity, sensitivity and inclusion.
Michael Coren, The Oldie, 11 May
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