Durham supports stopping places for travellers
DURHAM diocesan synod has voted unanimously for a motion to work with local authorities to offer temporary safe havens, called Sanctuary Stopping Places, for Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller Communities. It is the first diocese to support the scheme formally. Members also agreed to work against prejudice and discrimination towards the community, in accordance with the 2019 General Synod motion (News, 1 March 2019), and increase contact with communities through baptisms, worship, events, and social activities. The diocese’s Chaplain for Gypsy, Roma and Travellers, the Revd Nicky Chater, said: “We look forward to a deepened and enriched relationship with these communities as a result of this vote.”
NCT releases Jubilee Proclamation
TO CELEBRATE the Platinum Jubilee, the National Churches Trust has produced a special Jubilee Proclamation, which thanks the Queen for her patronage. It reads: “On behalf of churches, chapels and meeting houses across the UK, we would like to thank Her Majesty The Queen for being the Royal Patron of the National Churches Trust and the Historic Churches Preservation Trust since 1953. Churches are impressive, exciting, and surprising places. Thank you, Your Majesty, for your support which helps us to keep churches open, thriving, and at the heart of local communities.”
Cornish churches win £6000 for lockdown project
ECCLESIASTICALMembers of the Penlee Cluster of Churches in Cornwall celebrate their winTHE Penlee Cluster of Churches in Cornwall have won the £6000 top prize in the second annual Good News competition from Ecclesiastical Insurance for their work tackling isolation during the pandemic. The specialist insurer asked churches to send in a newspaper-style success story about their parish or congregation including a headline and a photo or video. Five churches won £1500 for in their regional contest before going into the final. A group from St John’s and St Mary’s, Penzance, St Peter’s, Newlyn, and St Pol de Leon, Paul, started a “Never Alone” campaign, through which churchpeople worked with local businesses to take meals to elderly and vulnerable people during Covid lockdowns. They also ran an arts-and-crafts programme.
Northwich trail inaugurated on St Helen’s Day
A GROUP of volunteers at St Helen’s, Northwich, in the diocese of Chester, led by a churchwarden, Gordon Atkinson, have created a new local walk, to be known as St Helen’s Heritage Trail. It is due to be opened by the Bishop of Chester, the Rt Revd Mark Tanner, at a special celebration for St Helen’s Day on Saturday.
St Helen’s, NorthwichVolunteers outside of St Helen’s, Northwich, in Cheshire
Bible college collates Covid good works
SPURGEON’S COLLEGE, the Baptist Bible college in London, has launched a campaign to reflect on and record the contributions of faith communities during Covid, from foodbank support to community leadership. Groups are invited to use an online form to submit their contributions, which will be collated and submitted to the British Library. The campaign is being supported by the Faith and Society APPG, the Baptist Union, Leo Baeck College, and the Islamic Medical Association, among others. faithincommunity.org.uk