THE Covid-19 and Church-21 survey was launched last week (News, 22 January), and we are hoping to match the splendid response to our previous survey in the first lockdown last year. Already 665 people have completed the survey, at the time of going to press.
We want to see if clergy and churchgoers have adapted to faith in lockdown, or whether they feel the effects even more keenly than they did when churches were first closed.
We also want to find out about what the overall picture is for online and in-church services, and, crucially, what it is like to prepare or experience these different types of worship. Finally, we’d like to hear what people think about how the future may look in a post-pandemic Church.
This is your opportunity to be part of this crucial research project. It will take about 20 minutes of your time, which will enable you to give a thorough picture of your experiences and opinions.
We realise that there are lots of surveys out there, but we have learnt so much from our first survey (see the survey website for details) that we would ask for a few moments of your time to help us build on what we are learning about this unprecedented, historic event.
Thank you if you took part last time, and we look forward to seeing what emerges now. Click on the survey link, scan the QR code, or visit our coronavirus webpage, to start the survey.
The Revd Andrew Village is Professor of Practical and Empirical Theology, and Canon Leslie J. Francis is Visiting Professor of Theology and Religious Studies, both at York St John University.