I made deepfakes of every Diocesan Bishop in the Church of England singing ‘Every Time We Touch’ by Cascada. The deepfakes aren’t of the highest quality because there were So Many To Make and also I hate that song now. I’ve listened to it too many times. Enjoy!
Jay Hulme, @JayHulmePoet, 14 March
Our Trident submarines already carry warheads that in total have an explosive yield equivalent to hundreds of the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima. It is immoral that the UK government is committing resources, which could be spent on the common good of our society, to stockpiling even more
Joint church leaders’ response to government policy announcement, 16 March
TO THE QUESTION PROPOSED: Does the Church have the power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex?
RESPONSE: Negative
Responsum of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Vatican to a dubium, a question posed to provide a doctrinal statement, 15 March
Proposals to end conversion therapy not only put at risk the individual freedom of people who are attracted to those of the same sex, but they also place religious freedom in jeopardy
Peter Lynas, UK director, Evangelical Alliance, letter to the Prime Minister, 15 March
I wholeheartedly agree with the EA that we need a crystal clear definition of Conversion Therapy, but surely this should be one that ensures every church is held to account for its safeguarding policies in this area, as in any other
Steve Chalke, Oasis church leader, 17 March
The Church is like manure. Pile it up, and it stinks out the neighbourhood. Spread it out, and it enriches the world
Luis Palau, evangelist, who died last week
Census fun. “Summarise your job”, it says — I’ve gone for “Bishops are ordained to be shepherds of Christ’s flock and guardians of the faith of the apostles” (which is as much of the ordinal as the box will allow)
Jonathan Clark, Bishop of Croydon, 13 March
Sounds good to me. But tell me, father, who is your employer? A trick question of course. I perjured myself on my form as there was no box for “office holder” — then, asked who I worked for, I chose the option “a private individual” — theologically challenging?
Joshua Rey, Vicar of Holy Trinity, Roehampton, 13 March
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