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Review of the year 2021: Deaths

17 December 2021

Ash Mills

The Rt Revd John Waine. See gallery for more photos

The Rt Revd John Waine. See gallery for more photos

DEATHS among the episcopate recorded in 2021 included those of the Rt Revd John Waine, former Bishop of St Edmunds­bury & Ips­­wich, and of Chelmsford; the Rt Revd Ian Griggs, former Suffragan Bishop of Ludlow; the Rt Revd Roy Warke, former Bishop of Cork, Cloyne & Ross; the Rt Revd Humphrey Taylor, former Suffragan Bishop of Selby; the Rt Revd Paul Barber, former Suffragan Bishop of Brixworth.

The Rt Revd Robert Hardy, former Bishop of Lincoln; the Rt Revd Dr Alec Graham, former Bishop of New­castle; the Rt Revd David Lunn, former Bishop of Sheffield; the Rt Revd Jonathan Gledhill, former Bishop of Lich­field; the Rt Revd John Taylor, former Bishop of Glasgow & Gal­loway; the Rt Revd David Galliford, former Suffragan Bishop of Hulme and of Bolton; the Rt Revd Patrick Harris, former Bishop of Northern Argen­tina and of Southwell.

The Rt Revd Dr Jacob Ajetun­mobi, first Bishop of Ibadan South; the Rt Revd J. Jon Bruno, former Bishop of Los Ange­les; the Rt Revd Ellinah Wamukoya, Bishop of Swazi­­­­land; the Most Revd Fereimi Cama, former Bishop of Polynesia; the Rt Revd Carolyn Tanner Irish, former Bishop of Utah; the Rt Revd John Osmers, first Bishop of Eastern Zambia; the Rt Revd Dr John Spong, former Bishop of Newark, NJ.

THE Roman Catholic theologian and priest Professor Hans Küng was one of the prominent clergy whose deaths were recorded among the year.

Among other clergy were former arch­deacons, including the Ven. Ken­neth Unwin (Pontefract); the Ven. Dennis Ede (Stoke-Upon-Trent); the Ven. Jeffrey Watson (Ely); the Ven. Lorys Davies (Bolton); the Ven. John Oliver (Leeds); the Ven. Hedley Ringrose (Cheltenham); the Ven. Ian Russell (Coventry); the Ven. John Black­burn (the Army); and the Ven. Leonard Moss (Hereford).

There were also several former deans, including the Very Revd Chris­­topher Camp­ling (Ripon); the Very Revd George Moller (Connor); the Very Revd Derek Goodrich (Georgetown, Guy­ana); and the Very Revd Paul Burbridge (Nor­wich); and a former Provost of Leicester, the Very Revd Derek Hole.

Also among the clergy whose deaths were reported were the Revd Lloyd Jones, Area Dean of Synod Bangor; the Revd Jane Holmes, a Team Rector in Norwich diocese; the Revd Iain Young, Vicar of the Ascension, Lavender Hill; the Revd Thomas Mordecai, Vicar of Wink­field and Cranbourne; the Revd Kenneth Shill, Team Vicar in the South Cheltenham Team Ministry.

The Revd Owen Murphy, Team Vicar in Withycombe Raleigh; the Revd Carol Langford, Vicar of West Purbeck; the Ven. Sue Pinnington, Archdeacon of the Gwent Valleys; the Revd Elizabeth Burchell, Vicar of St Leon­ard’s, Banbury; Canon Anthony Stid­olph, former school chaplain; Canon Paul Rose, who had served in Southern Rhodesia.

The Revd Bill Snelson, former General Secretary of Churches To­­­gether in England; the Revd Barney Milligan, former Anglican Rep­res­ent­a­tive to the European Institu­tions; Canon Jane Sinclair, former Steward of West­minster Abbey; the Revd Martin Preston, a Gay Chris­­tian Movement founding member.

Fr Eric Simmons CR, former Superior at Mirfield; the Revd Dr John Muddiman, NT scholar; Canon Peter Ball, spiritual director; the Revd Pro­­fessor John Polkinghorne, physi­cist and theologian; Canon Michael Bour­deaux, founder of Keston College; Canon John Davies, former teacher of theology in South­ampton; Canon Philip Crowe, former Prin­cipal of Salisbury and Wells Theo­logical College; Canon Ian Ainsworth-Smith, former hos­pital chaplain; the Revd Pro­fes­sor Colin Morris, historian; and Sister Helen Julian, Minister General CSF.

THE Duke of Edinburgh, died on 9 April, aged 99. Other deaths among the laity included those of Sister Mary Teresa, former Reverend Mother SSM; Barbara Whitley, niece of Bishop George Bell; Dr Bex Lewis, Christian thinker about digital tech­nology; Dr Kenneth Hylson-Smith, author and adminis­tra­tor; Peter Ains­­worth, Chairman of the Churches Conservation Trust; John Coleman, iconographer; Prim­rose Peacock, founder of the Friends of Albania; Virginia Johnstone, former Secretary of the English Committee of the Friends of the Anglican Centre; Kevin Mayhew, publisher.

The musical world lost the organists Lucian Nethsingha (Exeter Cathedral); Richard Lloyd (Durham Cathedral); Roger Fisher (Chester Cathedral); Dr Richard Shephard, composer and former Head of the Minster School, York; the former musical adviser for Songs of Praise, Bob Prizeman; the record producer Brian Culverhouse; and the counter­tenor and publisher George Rizza.

THE deaths also occurred of the Revd Dr Joel Edwards, former General Director of the Evangelical Alliance; and the evangelist Luis Palau, whose min­istry was modelled on Billy Graham’s.

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