WHEN we launched TAP Africa last year, we forged a relationship with CAPA, the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa. They, in turn, contacted each Province, inviting applications from those entering training for the priesthood, offering financial support from our readers’ donations. CAPA is now sitting on applications that it wants to approve — but needs more money to be able to do that.
Will you give to the Train-A-Priest (TAP) Fund and help to support those would-be priests, many of whom have still to support their families while studying? A donation to TAP Africa goes straight to the bottom line: not one penny is retained by us or CAPA to cover administration: everything you give will help support an ordinand in Africa through their training.
How to donate to the TAP Fund
We encourage you to donate online, quickly and securely. This is our preferred method: www.churchtimes.co.uk/train-a-priest-fund.
We will accept donations of any shape and size, however. Please make cheques payable to “The TAP Fund” and send to: TAP Fund, Church Times, Hymns Ancient & Modern, 13a Hellesdon Road, Norwich NR6 5DR.
If you are a UK payer of income or capital gains tax, the Church Times, through the Hymns Ancient & Modern charity, can recover 25p for every £1 that you give through Gift Aid. If you are eligible, please indicate this when making an online donation, or complete the form in last week’s paper and send it with your cheque.