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Quotes of the week

15 January 2021


Welcome to 2021, aka purgatory. . . Nobody says purgatory is fun, but it does end

Leader comment, New Scientist, 2 January


The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack

Liz Cheney, senior Republican Congresswoman, 12 January


I recognise that there those who believe that . . . an examination of America’s past and an even cursory glance at today’s headlines show that this nation’s ideals have always been secondary to conquest and subjugation, a racial caste system and rapacious capitalism, and that to pretend otherwise is to be complicit in a game that was rigged from the start. . . I don’t know. What I can say for certain is that I’m not yet ready to abandon the possibility of America — not just for the sake of future generations of Americans but for all of humankind

Barak Obama, preface to his autobiography A Promised Land, 2020


And so the world watches America — the only great power in history made up of people of every race and faith and cultural practice — to see if our experiment in democracy can work. . . The jury’s still out



The craven bloodlust of a failed administration was on full display tonight

Montgomery’s attorney, Kelley Henry, lawyer of Lisa Montgomery, who was executed in the early hours of Wednesday


Warmer oceans supercharge the weather, impacting the biological systems of the planet as well as human society. Climate change is literally killing people and we are not doing enough to stop it

John Abraham, climatologist, University of St Thomas, Minnesota, on the record warming of the oceans, 12 January


God knows we’re dealing with a bad situation with no perfect solution. All he asks is that we keep praying and do what we believe to be the loving thing. He‘ll keep feeding us & making us holy when we ask him to, because he refuses to lose a single one of us.

Emma Bourne @HolyCountenance, Twitter, 9 January


And that’s it. If you want to shout at me, please kindly don’t. I’m not saying open, I’m not saying close, I’m not saying no effort is required in leading a holy life. But I am saying that, above all of that, there is God and he’s got this and he’s got us.



Never, ever, ever visit a church without donating with Gift Aid. Nothing pleases God more than the sound of a Biro on the Gift Aid declaration

Richard Coles, Winter Walks, BBC4, 8 January


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Thu 20 Apr @ 16:08
The Archbishop of Canterbury has received the specially commissioned King James Bible that will be presented to Kin… https://t.co/u8LMnSFcfV

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