READERS of the Church Times are, of course, used to our appealing to them during Lent for the Church Times Train-A-Priest (TAP) Fund. Instead of getting bored, as well they might, they respond magnificently, to the tune of £60,000 or more each year.
This year, our appeal is even more urgent. TAP Africa aims to raise funds for those training for the priesthood in Africa, where the need for priests is as great as it is in England but resources are far scarcer. Even the normal TAP total seems inadequate, given the demands that the Anglican Church faces in that continent.
The climb to a decent total is steeper this year, too. Each year’s appeal begins with money donated to TAP in the months since the previous year’s appeal closed. This year we have nearly £8000 in the TAP account. Since this was given before the launch of TAP Africa, however, this sum will be directed towards the support of C of E ordinands, meaning that the TAP Africa appeal began on zero.
The good news is that, in the first few days, nearly £1000 has been raised — and from just seven donations.
If more readers follow this example, as we are sure they will, TAP Africa will be able to hand over a significant sum to our partners, the Council of Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA), the body that is most able to respond to the needs of those training for the ministry in the 13 Anglican Provinces in Africa.
May we remind readers of what the general secretary of the Anglican Communion, the Most Revd Dr Josiah Idowu-Fearon, said last week about the situation in Africa: “Resources for ordinands, their families, and their theological colleges are spread very thinly, and often those with vocations cannot receive the education and formation that they need.
“I am delighted that, during Lent, we have the opportunity to support an appeal for resources for them. I endorse it warmly.”
How to donate to the TAP Fund
Every penny you can give goes to ordinands in Africa who face financial difficulty, to support them as they complete their training. Nothing is retained to cover administrative expenses.
Donate online quickly and securely:
Or you can give by cheque or charity voucher. Please make cheques payable to: “The TAP Fund” and send to:
TAP Fund, Church Times, Hymns Ancient & Modern, 13a Hellesdon Road, Norwich NR6 5DR
If you are a UK payer of income or capital gains tax, a payment by Gift Aid means that the Church Times, through the Hymns Ancient & Modern charity, can recover 25p for every £1 that you give.
If your donation is eligible for Gift Aid, please include a completed TAP Gift Aid form with your cheque. You can also opt for Gift Aid when making an online donation.