AS HOLY WEEK approaches, we ask readers not to forget TAP Africa, this year’s Church Times Lenten appeal.
We know that there are many other concerns on our readers’ minds, but we also know that among those concerns is an anxiety about how countries away from the affluent West will cope with the challenges posed by the coronavirus.
In Africa, as elsewhere, the Church will rise to the challenge; but clergy, and those training to join them, have far fewer resources than elsewhere. Please use the TAP Africa appeal to support them.
We are extremely grateful for all the individuals and churches who have already donated to TAP Africa. There have been many generous gifts. But there is a long way to go. Donations to date have passed £11,000; but, because we announced our intention to use this year’s appeal for Africa only at the start of Lent, none of the donations made in the months since the 2019 appeal can be used for African ordinands.
Please consider carefully whether you are able to give this year. Your donation will make a huge difference.
How to donate to the TAP Fund
Every penny you can give goes to ordinands in Africa who face financial difficulty, to support them as they complete their training. Nothing is retained to cover administrative expenses.
Donate online quickly and securely:
Or you can give by cheque or charity voucher. Please make cheques payable to: “The TAP Fund” and send to:
TAP Fund, Church Times, Hymns Ancient & Modern, 13a Hellesdon Road, Norwich NR6 5DR
If you are a UK payer of income or capital gains tax, a payment by Gift Aid means that the Church Times, through the Hymns Ancient & Modern charity, can recover 25p for every £1 that you give.
If your donation is eligible for Gift Aid, please include a completed TAP Gift Aid form with your cheque. You can also opt for Gift Aid when making an online donation.